Permanent Residence Through Employment (Green Card)

Green Card Through Employment

Many people become permanent residents through a job or offer of employment. Some categories require a certification from the U.S. Department of Labor to show that there are not enough U.S. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available in the geographic area where the immigrant is to be employed and that no American workers are displaced by foreign workers. In other cases, highly skilled workers, those with extraordinary ability in certain professions, and investors/entrepreneurs are given priority to immigrate through several immigrant categories.

Following are the categories:

  • Green Card Through a Job Offer
    1. Green cards for international managers (EB-1)
    2. Green cards for individuals with advanced degrees (EB-2)
    3. Green cards for professional workers (EB-3)
    4. Green cards for skilled or unskilled workers (EB-3)
    5. Green cards for nurses (Schedule A)
    6. Green cards for religious workers
  • Green Card Through Investment
  • Green Card Through Self Petition
    1. Green cards for individuals with exceptional abilities in the fields of sports, arts, business and science (EB-1)
  • Green Card Through Special Categories of Jobs
    1. Green cards for religious workers

Reference USCIS Website, Green Card Through a Job, 18-Jan-2012.

For information on coming to the United States for temporary or permanent employment, contact us at (866) 975-3649.