Breaking News!!! – Deferred Action for Certain Young Individuals

Breaking News!!!!

President Obama anounced that deferred action benefits have been made available to young individuals who have been in the United States since a young age, and who meet the following criteria:

1. Are between the ages of 15-30;

2. Have been in the United States for 5 years or more;

3. Entered United States before the age of 16;

4. Are enrolled in school, were enrolled in school or are enrolled in the military;

5. Have not been convicted of a felony, a serious misdemeanor or more misdimeanors.

The deferred action represents the government’s decision to not deport those who meet the above criteria.  The benefit is awarded for two years with the possibility of renewal.  Upon approval of deferred action, an individual may apply for employment authorization and travel document. 

For more information, please call our office at 661-721-0721!

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