Success Story – Green Card through Exceptional Ability in Martial Arts

Our office assisted a very talented and gifted martial art instructor obtain his legal permanent residence in 1.5 years.  Our client had been in H-1B status for 8 years when he came to our office.  He had two denied labor certifications and was very upset. We sat down with him and discussed all his options and we discovered he was a very talented martial art instructor, founder of a new style of marital art, with international recognition in the field.  We then  established the strategy and started working on his I-140 petition.  We filed an the petition on his behalf as an extrarodinary ability martial art instructor.  Because of the filing, we were able to extend the H-1B status for our client and H-4 for his wife, for the 9th year.  The I-140 petition was approved in approximately 1 year.  After approval of the I-140 we applied for legal permanent residency for our client and his wife.  The family received their green cards in 4 months afterwards.  Congratulations!

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